With my NCO/Northfield.org civic hat on, I’m giving my first blog class for 8-10 local civic leader bloggers here in my hometown. See my promo-blurb below, with a few details removed. And watch for stray audioblog posts and moblogged photos. – Griff
02.03 update: Class attendees last night, with links to their blogs:
Back row L to R: Rob Schanilec, Northfield Historical Society; State Rep. Ray Cox; Bruce Morlan, Dundas/Bridgewater Planning Commission; Dan Bergeson, NDDC Board.
Front row L to R: Betsey Buckheit, Northfield Planning Commission; Diane Cirksena, Northfield Board of Education; Bardwell Smith, NDDC Board; Margit Johnson, League of MN Voters Northfield.
Not pictured: Jim Pokorney, Northfield City Council, whose blog is not quite ready for primetime.
Are you a Northfield area civic leader with a weblog?
Are you interested in learning some technical aspects of blogging that’ll make your weblog better, more interesting to your readers, and easier for you to maintain?
Are you interested in learning more about the types of weblog posts that makes for a good civic leadership weblog?
Then this class is for you. We’ll meet in a computer lab where each blogger will have a computer. We’ll provide individual coaching as well as whole-class instruction.
Bring your weblog username and password.
Here’s the FAQ:
I’m hosting a blogging class for you and your fellow civic leaders.WHO’S BEHIND THIS?
It’s being offered as a joint effort between Northfield Citizens Online and Community Ed and Rec.WHO CAN TAKE THE CLASS?
It’s not open to the general public… invitation only, going out to about ten of you. You probably all know each other. Maybe even like each other.WHEN IS IT?
Wednesdays, Feb X and Feb X. We may host more sessions in the spring.WHERE IS IT?
xxx computer labWHAT TIME?
It’s free.WHY IS IT FREE?
Because you’re worth it. And the blogosphere needs you.HOW DO I SIGN UP?
Reply to this email and I’ll let you know. It’ll be an online form via the Community Ed and Rec web site but it’s not quite ready yet.WILL THERE BE HOMEWORK?
Probably not in this life. But I am working on getting blogging t-shirts of some kind.ARE THERE PREREQUISITES?
You have to have your own weblog (or a group weblog) and know your username and password to access it. You also have to be completely sober at the start of the class.WHAT IF I CAN ONLY ATTEND ONE OF THE NIGHTS?
Sign up anyway. The class does not have a scope and sequence. It’ll be informal coaching, mainly, with occasional “Hey everybody, let me explain something that many of you seem to be struggling with” asides.WILL I BE PHOTOGRAPHED FOR a NORTHFIELD.ORG PHOTO ALBUM?
Yes, with your permission. So get your hair done.CAN I BRING MY DIGITAL CAMERA?
Yes. I might even help you learn to use it.WILL I BE BLOGGED?
Incessantly, by me and your colleagues.WILL THIS BE FUN?
No. I’m a teacher from hell. But we might have fun after class, retreating to a pub.WHAT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS?
Contact me.
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