Category Archives: Presentations

Video on civic leadership blogging premiers in the UK

civic bloggers at the CowThe city of Northfield’s civic blogosphere got a boost in the summer of 2004 when a group of government leaders from the U.K. visited Northfield.  It encouraged more local citizens and leaders to try blogging, and it helped me get the first of several contracts to work with local councilors in the UK to learn blogging.

As I blogged here back in Feb., my latest project with the UK involved working with Gallomanor Communications Ltd on the creation of the CivicSurf project video/DVD. From the About page:

CivicSurf aims to inspire and inform civic leaders about the benefits of blogging. We’ve filmed 3 Norfolk County Councillors as they’ve learnt the basics of blogging and used their sites to initiate conversations in and around their communities. The eight minute film also includes the views from expert bloggers such as Tom Watson MP, Steve Webb MP and Cllr Mary Reid. It will be distributed on DVD to 1,000 public bodies including councils, emergency services and NHS Trusts along with copies of a 32pp booklet that informs readers of the basics of blogging.

I coached the three councilors over several months and wrote much of the documentation for the booklet.

A week ago, Shane McCracken of Gallomanor Communications Ltd, premiered the video at a conference in London. Here are two video clips that show Shane presenting it, with a little Q&A afterwards. The third videoclip is the trailer.

Presentation Part 1. Click play to watch. 5 min 39 sec.


Presentation Part 1, Q & A. Click play to watch. 6 min 42 sec.


The trailer for the DVD/video. Click play to watch. 1 minute.

Blogging panel at Himle Horner

Himle Horner staff and bloggers

The staff at Himle Horner, a Twin Cities-based public relations/public affairs group, had a little inservice training this morning about blogging. (Click photo to enlarge.)

Colin Cox, one of their account executives (lower left front in photo), invited me, WCCO-TV reporter/blogger Jason DeRusha (right), and Ed Kohler (left, blue shirt), blogger and producer of and author of the Jucy Lucy Restaurants (spelling explanation here) and Shoefiti blogs, to hit them over their collective heads with as much blog-related info as they could handle.  They lasted at least 90 minutes.

One topic I don’t ordinarily cover when first talking about leadership blogging is the role it can play in crisis management. I did today, however, since A) it’s one of the services that Himle Horner offers to its clients; and B) I heard the news reports on the drive to their offices about the shootings at Delaware State University, wondering if the school’s administration would be using a blog as part of the crisis response. (Not. Press release only.)

The Global PR Blog Week (now defunct?)  had a post back in July, 2004 on blogging in a crisis that, along with the attached comments, seems to hit all the reasons for using a blog as a complementary crisis management tool.

Video conference presentation on citizen journalism


I did a video tele-conference presentation on community/citizen journalism this morning for the Blandin Foundation’s Broadband Initiative program. Audience members were primarily coordinators in rural Minnesota whose communities had recently gotten broadband internet access with Blandin’s help.

A handful of people gathered at the Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce office in Eagan where I did the presentation. Another two dozen or so were scattered about the state in a half-dozen locations. Click photos above to enlarge. The photos were taken by Gregg Scott, CTO for InfraSupport, who handled the tech setup for the video conference.

My presentation focused on the history of Northfield Citizens Online (the nonprofit) and its website,

See the PDF of my Powerpoint presentation (41 slides). Or view this slideshow.