Tag Archives: Sean Hayford O’Leary

Client meetings in Northfield: The Citistates Group; the DeKruif for Senate 25 campaign

My consulting business brings an infusion of $1.65 to downtown Northfield most days, depending on where I have coffee. Last week I was happy to ratchet that up a bit with two client meetings at the HideAway CoffeeHouse and Winebar.

Neal Peirce, Farley Peters, Sean Hayford O'Leary, Curtis Johnson  at the HideAwayThe principals of The Citistates Group paid a visit to Northfield on Wednesday to meet with me and Northfield web designer Sean Hayford O’Leary. Sean and I have worked with Neal Peirce, Farley Peters, and Curtis Johnson for years but had never met with them F2F.

Al DeKruif, Daryl Bauer, Brian WermerskirchenOn Thursday, I met with Republican-endorsed Senate 25 candidate Al DeKruif and two of his campaign volunteers, Daryl Bauer and Brian Wermerskirchen. I’m working with them on social media-related activities for Al’s campaign.

The first time my consulting business had a huge economic impact (dozens of dollars!) on downtown Northfield was in the summer of 2004 when a group of Brits from the Blair government descended on the Contented Cow, desperate for British beer. They returned with some colleagues in the summer of 2005.

Customized WordPress theme for Flamenco Organic Coffee Company

flamenco organic sshot Two years ago we worked with Upper Midwest Gourmet (UMG) to put up three companion blog sites and we’ve recently revamped one of them, Flamenco Organic Coffee Company.

Northfield web designer Sean Hayford O’Leary took a design from UMG staffer Alan Erbach and, working with another staffer, Michael Applen, created a special WordPress theme and navigation bar for it.

See the UMG Coffee Portal for all their coffee-related sites.