Tag Archives: Tiger Technologies

WordPress under attack; sites hosted by Tiger Technologies have been protected for 3 weeks

wordpress.org logoMost of the blog sites I’ve set up for my clients run on WordPress. Late last night, I spent a couple of hours checking and upgrading sites to Version 2.8.4 ASAP because there’s a nasty worm making the rounds this weekend:

I wrote to my favorite web host, Tiger Technologies in California, asking them if they knew about it the worm and whether they could tell if any sites had been compromised. The owner, Robert Mathews, wrote me back within a few minutes:

Continue reading WordPress under attack; sites hosted by Tiger Technologies have been protected for 3 weeks

Tiger Technologies

tigertechdot.gifTiger Technologies is a web hosting company based in Berkeley, California.

I’ve used them for all my own web sites and the vast majority of my client web sites (dozens) for over three years now.

New clients often ask me “Why TigerTech in California when you/we are here in the Upper Midwest?”

  • They’ve been super reliable, with nary any downtime in three years.
  • The internet routing (connection speed and latency) between Northfield, MN (where I am) and their server farm in the Bay area of California has always seemed to be faster than to server farms in the Twin Cities.
  • They’re always cost-competitive.
  • They’re big enough to have all the sever bells and whistles I need in a web host. (As of a year ago, they were hosting over 3,500 sites.)
  • They’re very smart. I know some very knowlegeable geeks who are very impressed with them.
  • They’re very personable. These people know how to convey friendliness, both via phone and email. I’m pretty clueless on server-related techie stuff and I’m never made to feel like a doofus.
  • They are extremely responsive, both via phone and email, even on weekends and evenings.

Robert, Nicholas, Nami, and the rest of the team: I think of you as colleagues, not just staffers at a company who’s a provider/supplier. You’re the best.